While black and blue American lives struggle to be heard above political rhetoric, fanatic Islamic terrorists plot their next wave of blood and hate, and Pacific Islanders (and so many others) cry out against rapidly rising tides, I wanted to take a moment to tell you there really is such a place as Camp Happiness. And the people who live there really are happy. And fun. And REAL. And wonderful. It's hard to cry when you're busy singing, hard to doubt when there's always a smile and a hug at the ready, and impossible to hate when you're surrounded by so much love. I wish there was a way to package this *peace* I'm feeling and send it out to everyone; I suspect we could all use a little Camp Happiness vibe right about now.
All I've got, though, is a new look. And a new name. I can't say I'm sold on the color scheme, yet, but it might grow on me. Regardless, I hope the changes inspire you to poke around more, read more, share more, and - ultimately - love more. No, I don't have a theme here, but I DO write about things most of us care about, like family, music, life, relationships, toddlers, prostitution, NASCAR, and Willie Nelson. I've even mentioned that Kid Rock guy a time or two.
What I'm trying to say is: If you're looking for a little distraction, there are worse places to be. And I'm happy you're here. :)
~ Dawn